What is the biggest challenge facing students today?
The biggest challenge facing students today is not having a
strong support system, either from family, from friends or at school.
What is something about you that others don’t always see?
People don’t expect me to have a dark past because I keep a lot of things to myself, and I always walk around with my head high and a smile on my face.

What is one thing your Communities In Schools coordinator told you or taught you that you’ll never forget?
I was taught to never give up when things get difficult, because in the end, I will feel happiness with my accomplishments. This advice still stands true today.
What is one thing you want the world to know about you?
I love to bring positivity to wherever I am.
It was very difficult to balance working full-time and going to school.
How did you balance your restaurant jobs with being a full-time high school student?
It was very difficult to balance working full-time and going to school.
I would start work at 3 p.m. and wouldn’t be out until 1 or 2 a.m. every day. I had to quit because it wasn’t worth it. I later got a different job at
a retail store, which helped me balance school a lot better.
of at-risk young adults who have a mentor aspire to enroll in and graduate from college.
Bruce & Bridgeland, 2014
Why are you drawn to architecture?
Architecture is great to put my creativity to work, but what really drew me to it was working as a house painter. I saw how houses are all built differently and how buildings represent others’ creativity.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? What would you do there?
I would love to travel to Europe because I’m fascinated by European buildings, architecture and statues. I would love to learn more about them and see these things in real life, not just in pictures or videos.
What does your Mexican-American heritage mean to you? How has your heritage influenced who you are as a person?
Being Mexican-American is something that I am deeply proud of.
I grew up in a Mexican household where I was taught to always be hardworking and to respect everyone regardless of race, culture or religion. That’s something I highly value.