What is something about you that others don’t always see?
I am street smart and school smart. I can go out on the street and find a meal for myself, but with school smarts I can provide for my whole family.
of at-risk youth report they never had an adult mentor of any kind while they were growing up.
Bruce & Bridgeland, 2014
What is the biggest challenge facing students today?
My first year at Cardozo [high school] I had issues with other students because I was small, and they kept picking on me. I’d shut down and do nothing, no words, just sit there. Bullying is a big problem.
How would you describe your personal style? How do you use your clothing to express who you are as a person?
My style is fly. I mix lots of bold colors that other people wouldn’t think to mix.

What is one thing your Communities In School coordinator told you or taught you that you’ll never forget?
That it’s ok to ask for help when you need it.
You’ve said that you love mechanical engineering. What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever built?
We made a robot out of Legos that looked like a spider. It had four legs on each side and could move.
Even though I’ve had some rough patches, there’s been more positive than negative in my life.
What is one thing you want the world to know
about you?
Even though I’ve had some rough patches, there’s been more positive than negative in my life.
What made you want to play basketball? What’s your favorite part about playing the game?
I like being part of a team at school. I’ve been playing basketball for three or four years, it’s a good reason to go outside when I’m home. Our team is the Owls. My jersey is purple and white and I’m number 12. I play different positions.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? What would your superhero name be?
My superhero name would be Fly Guy. I’d be able to fly, but I’d also look really fly.